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A wonderful friend made me a mask (two really, one to wash and one to wear). I took apart an HVAC allergen filter, cut it to fit, and placed two… Read more Be careful out there


The film industry started to shut down on March 12th, and for the week prior, while my husband was on set I was climbing up and down ladders, doing a… Read more Coronavirus distance from DTLA

Hello dear, how are you?


Sorry I’ve been gone so long. I wanted to check in and wake up the blog to send out some good wishes. A friend said something funny to me the… Read more Hello dear, how are you?

vultr上面搭建梯子提示创建成功,但是手机电脑运行不了(已解决) | ...:2021年9月18日 - Otar's Blog 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也 ...vultr上面搭建梯子提示创建成功,但是手机电脑运行不了...~5 分钟即可安装完成,完成后保存SS信息,就能使...

This is the wonderful Lucille Ball broadcasting from CBS about 80 years ago. Much more recently (okay, okay, on Christmas Eve) I recorded a short story all about a Hollywood… Read more Notebook : 美貌与智慧并重,这款笔记 App 值得你一用 ...:2021-7-7 · 现在手机平台上的记录 app 种类繁多,但尝试过的人都知道,在小小的屏幕上做记录实在不是一件十分舒适的事。 但 AppSo(微信号 appsolution)今天 ...


Happy Eve, sugar-plums!

If you visit here (the website, not the downtown location where this picture was taken) on Christmas Day you can hear a short story which turned into a not-so-short half… Read more Happy Eve, sugar-plums!


Home for the holidays

Somehow our Christmas prep involved me saving a coffee table from the trash heap. Shown here with our delightful spokesmodel, The Mister. A friend of ours had bought it from… Read more Home for the holidays


First, my friend in New York sent me the letter below in reference to my griping about the sound of my voice in the previous post, next I got a… Read more Feeling buoyant

Waiting for the Muse to Skype

Lily harbored a den of coyotes in her back yard. They went about their nocturnal haunts stealthy-like, unless they were circling to prey and then they raised all hell. Yelps… Read more Waiting for the Muse to Skype

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